Printmate 350
As a powerful and high-performance printer, Printmate 350 is revolutionising banking, retail and hospitality markets with its speed and efficiency.
In our fastpaced world where customers demand fast service now more than ever, the arrival of Printmate 350 is perfectly timed.
Printing at an extremely high output of 350mm per second, Printmate 350 delivers high-resolution characters and high quality graphics, logos and barcodes with record speed.

Printmate 350:
Fast & powerful: 350mm/sec
Autocutter for 2,000,000 cuts
International True Type fonts
Embedded web server for real time programming
Printmate 250
As a powerful and high performance printer, Printmate 250 is revolutionising banking, retails and hospitality markets with its speed and efficiency.
Printing at a high output of 250mm over second, Printmake 250 delivers high resolution characters and quality graphics, logos and barcodes.
Also equipped with USB and Ethernet interface and optional Wifi, Printmake 250 becomes the ideal all-in-one POS printing solution.
Printmate 250:
1D and 2D barcode printing
Autocutter for 2,000,000 cuts
International True Type fonts
Vertical Mounting

Printmate 280
The new Printmate 280 has reached the technological top of the table of POS and Retail printers
With its powerful processor and lightning speed, Printmake 280 is the highest performing POS printer for banking, retail, hospitality, commercial or industrial environments where output is demanding and reliability critical.
Printmate 280:
RS232 + USB = Ethernet + cash drawer port
Optional Wifi or bluetooth
200 DPI resolution with 300 DPI available as optional
Vertical mounting and storage memory
Paper presence, near paper end and anti-jamming sensors